Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Presentation Day

O God, who enkindled in the heart of your servant, Nano Nagle, the fire of your love and the consuming desire to serve you in any part of the world, Grant that we may also love you and make you much loved and if it be for the glory of God and the salvation of souls grant that she may be raised to the altars of your church, through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Novena Day 9

“Near the cross of Jesus, stood his mother and his mother’s sister Mary, the wife of Cleopas, and Mary of Magdala. (Jn. 19:25)

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Novena Day 8

Today, we remember our Sisters, Brothers, Friends of Nano, Co-Workers, Associates, the people with whom we are in ministry especially in – the United States of America

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Novena Day 7

Today, we remember our Sisters, Brothers, Friends of Nano, Co-Workers, Associates, the people with whom we are in ministry especially in - Australia and Papua New Guinea

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Novena Day 6

Today, we remember our Sisters, Brothers, Friends of Nano, Co-Workers, Associates, the people with whom we are in ministry especially in -Zambia and Zimbabwe

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Novena Day 5

Today, we remember our Sisters, Brothers, Friends of Nano, Co-Workers, Associates, the people with whom we are in ministry especially in -England, Ireland, Israel and Slovakia

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Novena Day 4

Today, we remember our Sisters, Brothers, Friends of Nano, Co-Workers, Associates, the people with whom we are in ministry especially in Newfoundland and Labrador and the West Indies.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Novena Day 3

Today, we remember our Sisters, Brothers, Friends of Nano, Co-Workers, Associates, the people with whom we are in ministry especially in India and Pakistan

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Day 2 of Novena leading up to Presentation Day

Today, we remember our Sisters, Brothers, Friends of Nano, Co-Workers, Associates, the people with whom we are in ministry especially in – the Philippines and Thailand

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Day 1 of Novena leading up to Presentation Day

Today, we remember our Sisters, Brothers, Friends of Nano, Co-Workers, Associates, the people with whom we are in ministry especially in – New Zealand and Latin America

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

A life changing visit to India to journey with the Presentation Sisters

For me, its always a graced opportunity to meet our Sisters in India and share in their ministry and hear their stories. For the young people – a life changing event, that at times has brought them to the brink of tears and a deep appreciation of the hospitality of the Presentation Sisters.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Let us join in prayer

We pray for the people of Israel and Palestine amid the escalating violence.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

A life changing visit to Zambia for a trainee nurse

I am extremely grateful to have been able to have this experience at the age of twenty, as not only will it benefit me professionally, through my studies and career, but also on my outlook on life.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

International Presentation Association Assembly

We are encouraged to reach out in compassion as Nano did,

mindful that Nano was sustained and nourished by prayer.

We can make a difference even in the smallest of actions.

God is beckoning us to be prophets of our time.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Two women, united in a phrase

Norah Balls and Nano Nagle: Here, two dangerous women, both of whom stood up and fought for what they believed was right – the education and recognition of girls and women. They gave their all to putting into action the words they heard in their hearts

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Nine days of prayer and reflection from Ascension to Pentecost

Before Jesus returned to his Father in Heaven, he told his friends to go back to Jerusalem and wait for the the Holy Spirit. For 9 days, the Friends of Jesus waited with Mary. During this time, they prayed.

We now join in prayer for nine days, waiting for the gifts and fruits of the Spirit to be poured out again on us so that we can spread the good news of Jesus to others.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Celebrating a moment in history

The Christian ceremony of Coronation was so reminiscent of Catholic tradition, not unlike Priestly Ordination in which symbolic garb is worn andVows expressed and signed.  Sacred, serious and poignant !

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