Enriching gathering of Associates

There was a gathering in mid September in Nuneaton – of Presentation Associates, Presentation Sisters and others. We started with a good cup of tea and some lunch – true Presentation Hospitality and were delighted to see a notice in the hall reminding us to Practice Hospitality. People reached out, shared their names, place of origin, good conversation and lunch.

Sr Mary Deane, the link Sister with the Associates in England and Consuleo, a member of the Core Group for the Associates, prepared an excellent power point explaining about the Associates, Nano’s charism and inspiration, their place in Presentation Life, the International Association of Presentation and the work of Justice, Peace and Care for Creation and Peace that Presentation people all over the world, are involved in.

We were very fortunate to have an Associate, Carol, from Pakistan with us who shared how the Associates in Pakistan are organised, the way they work with the Sisters and their creative response in a system that is very difficult and demanding.

We had time to reflect and share in small groups – and there was a lot of energy around.

People found the day inspirational, informative, reflective and challenging.

It was good to meet with some from varying backgrounds – including Carol from Pakistan who at present is in Edinburgh and wanting to establish a group of Presentation Associates in the place where she lives.



A life changing visit to Zambia for a trainee nurse


Celebration of thirtieth anniversary of Presentation Sisters’ Care Centre in Matlock, Derbyshire