Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

A long awaited Day of Reflection for Presentation Associates/Friends

An Enduring Heart speaks of an enduring love. God who has called us is our source – the heart of holy mystery. This calls us to have a heart of constant reflection and desire – to be partners and to journey together; a lifelong task of a journey of transformation to become the person God wants me to be - “God’s self in the world” (R. Rohr). Each of us is unique, irreplaceable and the delight of God’s heart.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

From acorn to tree

The acorn symbolises new life, new potential, growth. The oak tree reminds us of the cyclic nature of life – it stands for the past, in the present and produces for the future. Planting the seed of tree is done in faith and hope because of the length of time it takes to grow to maturity.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Celebration in Matlock of Jubilees: 50, 60 and 70 years 

Jubilee celebration: while at this stage of their lives, most would be retired, these Sisters continue to be a presence and minister in the places they now find themselves – continuing our mission of prayer for our communities as well as hospitality and welcome to the people among whom we find ourselves and who come to us.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Prayer for the cause of Nano

O God, Who enkindled in the heart of your servant, Nano Nagle, the fire of your love, and a consuming desire to serve You in any part of the world, grant that we also may love You, and make you much loved. And if it be for the glory of God, and the salvation of souls, grant that soon she may be raised to the altars of your Church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

A joy-filled reunion in Matlock

“As the school reunion began, we moved into the Chapel for a prayer service – in thanksgiving for faith and friendships renewed. The school song was sung heartily – reminding us again of what our school stood for – faith and morals; doing our best; planting seeds of faith and good deeds; faith the crown we wear; honour our shield; beauty and truth our stars and good deeds making on life’s harp – music ever faith.”

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Ministry to Irish Travellers, Gypsy and Roma groups strengthens my faith

My own faith in God has been strengthened and enriched by living and working among these people because of their amazing deep faith and commitment to prayer and companionship. I also feel a strong kinship with our foundress, Nano Nagle, whose commitment sent her out each day to be with those kept poor by unjust systems. I often feel she walks beside me each day as I journey among these people.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Vocation Day marked in Nottingham

On Vocation Day, in our Evening Prayer via zoom, we reflected on Pope Francis’ message for the day – reminding each one of us that we are called by God to use our gifts for ourselves and for others.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Reflections on the 2024 international congregational gathering in Ireland

As I reflect on the Congregational Gathering my overall feeling is one of gratitude for the many rich and varied experiences and encounters that made up each day. As we gathered from across the world, I enjoyed meeting sisters from different cultures and learning about their lives and ministries.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

The World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Our life finds fulfilment when we discover who we are, what our gifts are, where we can make them bear fruit, and what path we can follow in order to become signs and instruments of love, generous acceptance, beauty and peace, wherever we find ourselves.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Tenth International Gathering

The Delegates have gathered on behalf of the whole Congregation to discern the Will of God for us as a Congregation as we continue to journey at a time when our world is in crisis. On behalf of the whole Congregation, they will make decisions for the whole - through  prayer, reflection, conversation, discernment and searching together.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Reflection for the Feast of Epiphany

The Magi were seekers of the truth and,  guided by the star, they found it in a child in the poor village of Bethlehem. Again, this is a living sign of what will be the ministry of the adult Jesus: learning from those on the margins. Even though they were so wise, they got things wrong and ended up in the wrong place; as we journey through 2024, let us pray that we get to the RIGHT places at the right time.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

December 25th

Our virtual Camino has joined us together over these past four weeks and we are closer than ever today. May you have a truly blessed and wonderful Christmas.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

December 24th

Our Camino is nearly at an end! There is something so special about this Christmas Eve, 2023—we have the shortest fourth week of Advent possible! It will last only a few hours before we are back to celebrate our Christmas Mass—lovingly called ‘Midnight Mass’.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

December 23rd

Lord, thank you for the goodness in my life and for giving me my name. When I wake each morning, I praise Your name! You have given me life that is filled with beauty, and the breath in my lungs is a gift from You. I pray that You will fill my day with love and sustenance. And may I remember at the end of each of my days, to thank you for all that has been placed in my life.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

December 22nd

Today we pray with Mary and offer our full praise and thanks to God; concentrate on the good that you have received and offer those bad memories and experiences to a God who is walking with you today.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

December 21st

Mary and Elizabeth are those faithful disciples who hear and keep God’s word; not only do they ‘talk the talk’, which is relatively easy to do, they ‘walk the walk’-much harder to achieve but the sign of a true disciple.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

December 20th

In the Annunciation dialogue, we see the reality of the situation: fear, concern, doubt and, eventually, trust with Mary’s beautiful words, ‘I am the Lord’s servant, may your word to me be fulfilled (Lk 1:38).

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