Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

The spirit of Nano Nagle lives on, in the corner of Ireland she made her own, and beyond

It’s a small museum tucked away on a side street in Ireland, and it focuses on the life of an eighteenth-century nun. But if that makes Nano Nagle Place in Cork sound like a backwater of a visitor attraction, think again. As well as being named Museum of the Year 2022 by the Council of Europe, it’s in the top 10 per cent of museums worldwide reviewed on Trip Advisor.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Stations of the Resurrection: Via Lucis

During Lent we walked the WAY of the CROSS, while in this time of Easter joy, we walk the VIA LUCIS-a pilgrimage of LIGHT. As the great Easter Vigil reminds us, we are invited to move from darkness to light as we journey with the Risen Lord. This experience of faith and what it is to be Church and a praying community, has radically changed our experiences.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Invitation to support the Great Big Green Week

On Friday, 21st April - there is a mass protect pilgrimage against fossil fuels. Many of us cannot be there BUT we can pray.

I would invite you all to cut out a green heart - perhaps write a prayer on it and hang it on a tree where others can see it.....

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

The true meaning of Lent

A turning away from sin and turning back to a forgiving, loving, ready to relent God is central to our lives of ‘prayer, fasting and alms deeds’ as we work our way through the Lenten season.  On receiving ashes on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday, we are encouraged to turn away from sin and follow the Gospel of love, compassion, fidelity, justice and peace. 

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Extending hospitality at St. Teresa’s Church, Warsop.

In the spirit of Nano Nagle, a weekly offering of hospitality in Nottinghamshire: “What is really important is that those who are serving and those who pop in to see how things are, provide pastoral care – someone who will sit and listen. This is just as important as the meal and certainly valued.”

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

A prayer as a new year begins:

God of all time, help us enter the New Year quietly, thoughtful of who we are to ourselves and to others, mindful that our steps make an impact and our words carry power.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Epiphany Reflection 2023

God, be a smooth way before me,

A guiding star above me,

A keen eye behind me,

A presence within me,

A blessing about me,

Each moment of

each day and each night.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Reflecting on Nano Nagle as we end our Advent journey:

But God is calling each of us today, just as John the Baptist was called, just as Nano Nagle was called, I, too am called – to be a prophetic witness and a sign of hope – I am called to birth Jesus into our world.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 24th

On this most sacred of nights, we remember that the Risen Lord will ‘visit us to give light to those who live in darkness and in the shadow of death and to guide our feet into the way of peace’ (Lk 1: 79).

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 23rd

Today: bring your family and friends before God and NAME each one of them-perhaps you can light a candle for them

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 22nd

Today we pray with Mary and offer our full praise and thanks to God; concentrate on the good that you have received and offer those bad memories and experiences to a God who is walking with you today

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 21st

Be kind, listen and give praise and thanks who help you along the Camino today: may your day move from grey to gold.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 20th

We shared today’s reading from Luke some weeks ago on the feast on the Immaculate Conception. However, reading it again, with only days before the great celebration of Christmas, the story of Annunciation seems more poignant and special.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 19th

Today: in this busy week leading up to Christmas Day, allow yourself the gift of silence

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 18th

Today we can follow the example of Mary and see great things happen with just a little love, mixed with a little faith; Christmas is not something that happened to other people many, many centuries ago. Christmas can happen every day when we bring our faith together and say to God, “Take my life. Be it done to you and be it done to me according to Your word.”

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 17th

Lord, I thank you for my heritage and my family history. Bless all my family, living and dead; may I play my full part and never discredit my family name. Today, Lord, bless us especially with your wisdom. AMEN

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 16th

As we see in the great parable of Last Judgement (Matt 25: 31-46), Christianity is a call to be active and involved and not sitting around on the side-lines.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 15th

We are now invited to enter into a very solemn part of our Camino through Advent; it is a time to get ready, with minds and hearts open to the impending message.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 14th

Lord, in these days help me to reach out to those in need. Help me to listen, help me to use the right words in speaking to them.

As we face the problems of life together, may this time of Advent keep us open to your light, strength, hope and love.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 13th

Today we journey with those sinners to the embrace of a God of forgiveness, as John the Baptist preached. Please do not go through motions of faith today: say a firm and positive ‘YES’ to what is asked of you today; do not procrastinate, rather act with confidence and trust in God and in others.

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