Presentation Day

  Mystery..beckoning us into


“Be Still and Know that I am God”

Opening Ritual for 3 minutes - 

As you breath in, say                  

O Mystery

As you breath out - say                

Alive in me

At the end of the 3 minutes – pray

May this gift of breathing allow us to touch mystery, alive in the deepest part of ourselves, and may it enhance our communion with the Mystery of all that is.


Pray -God of the Universe

in this time of great vulnerability

throughout our world

you beckon us to create space to engage

in deep listening.

May we listen to you in silence.

May we open our hearts to listen

to the voices of one another

and may we listen to all of Creation

with wonder and respect.

In our listening may we be guided to -

speak courageously,

love inclusively,

imagine creatively

and co-create a more peaceful

and just world

that flows from living a spirituality                                                                                                                                  oof being in communion.

IPA Assembly Prayer 2023


Read and reflect on the following and then take 5 minutes stillness

The girl Mariam was brought to the temple when she was three years old. The priest received her and, after kissing her, blessed her saying, “The Lord God has magnified your name for all generations; through you the Lord will reveal deliverance to the children of Israel in the last days” (Protoevangelium of James VII, 2)


What is staying with you. Who God is for you in your life; Who do you stand with?   Where is God beckoning you to?

Today, we remember all members of the Nagle/Rice Family

End prayer

R.           Mary, was always ready to do God’s work.

ALL:      Lord, may we always seek to do your will in our lives.


R.           Mary believed in God’s promises and answered God’s call

ALL:      Lord, may our faith in you give us courage on our journey through life.


R.           Mary had faith when she was faced with the unexpected

ALL        Lord, may we be open to being surprised by you.


R            Mary welcomed strangers and accepted their gifts

ALL:      Lord, may we always appreciate others – however different from ourselves.


R            Mary, your Son Jesus saw God’s glory reflected in the natural world

ALL        Lord, may we be aware of the beauty and fragility of our universe.


R            Mary was alert to the needs of others and pointed the way to Jesus

ALL        Lord, may we respond to those in need and work for justice everywhere.


R            Mary stood at the foot of the cross

ALL        Lord, may we stay with others in their pain and suffering.


R            Mary pondered all these things in her heart.

ALL:      Lord, may we take time to reflect and to pray.


R            Mary you were with the disciples at the coming of the Holy Spirit

ALL        Lord, may your Spirit continually inspire us with courage and new life.



Prayer for the Beatification of Nano Nagle


O God, who enkindled in the heart of your servant, Nano Nagle, the fire of your love and the consuming desire to serve you in any part of the world, Grant that we may also love you and make you much loved and if it be for the glory of God and the salvation of souls grant that she may be raised to the altars of your church, through Christ our Lord.  Amen.




Hundreds of years of ministry celebrated by Jubilarians


Novena Day 9