Novena Day 5

Mystery..beckoning us into


“Be Still and Know that I am God”

Opening Ritual for 3 minutes - 

As you breathe is, say                 

O Mystery

As you breathe out - say               

Alive in me

At the end of the 3 minutes – pray

May this gift of breathing allow us to touch mystery, alive in the deepest part of ourselves, and may it enhance our communion with the Mystery of all that is.


Pray -God of the Universe

in this time of great vulnerability

throughout our world

you beckon us to create space to engage

in deep listening.

May we listen to you in silence.

May we open our hearts to listen

to the voices of one another

and may we listen to all of Creation

with wonder and respect.

In our listening may we be guided to -

speak courageously,

love inclusively,

imagine creatively

and co-create a more peaceful

and just world

that flows from living a spirituality

of being in communion.

IPA Assembly Prayer 2023


Read and reflect on the following and then take 5 minutes stillness

 “When they had done everything the law of the Lord required, they went back to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. Meanwhile the child grew to maturity and he was filled with wisdom; and God’s favour was with him.” Lk.2:39-40

“Woman of life,

Welcome us into your home

Your place  your sacred space!

Our eyes search to see as you saw.

Our hearts yearn to know as you knew,

To know the thousand faces of the One

Above   below   within   among us,

Flesh among us. Be light for our darkness.

Be dawn for our new day.

From Presentation, Raphael Consedine in Songs for the Journey.


What is staying with you. Who God is for you in your life; what do you treasure?   Where is God beckoning you to?


Today, we remember our Sisters, Brothers, Friends of Nano, Co-Workers, Associates, the people with whom we are in ministry especially in -England, Ireland, Israel and Slovakia

Prayer – IPA Assembly 2017

Have a Moment of Gratitude – what are you grateful for today…..

End Prayer –

Creator God,

you are luring us into a future

more expansive than our minds can conceive.

Grace us and make space

in the womb of our hearts

for the possibilities you offer us.

Unsettle us!

Disturb us!

Move us to the edge of new horizons

that we may be open

as you come to us

in our sisters and brothers

and the cry of our earth.

May wisdom’s flame shine for us,

within us and from us –

our feet know the way;

our hearts carry the light.

IPA Assembly 2017


Novena Day 6


Novena Day 4