Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

December 19th

Today: in this busy week leading up to Christmas Day, allow yourself the gift of silence

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

December 18th

Christmas is not something that happened to other people many, many centuries ago. Christmas can happen every day when we bring our faith together and say to God, “Take my life. Be it done to you and be it done to me according to Your word.”

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

December 17th

We are now well over halfway through our Camino, and the danger is that we can get so caught up with 25th December that we could miss out on the beauty that these next couple of weeks will bring us. Yes, there is shopping to be done, cards to be sent and gifts to be wrapped, but our Advent Camino is that chance to give something back to the Lord and to each other.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

December 16th

In today’s discussion with the disciples, Jesus sees the need to recognise the strength of prophetic witness; the prophets like John the Baptist and Elijah are faithful witnesses to God, often in the face of extreme opposition and death.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

December 15th

We need to ensure that we all have a proper work-life balance and that the rest times, that Jesus called for, are put into our busy schedules:

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

14th December

Today: if you know of a family member or friend experiencing problems and going through a ‘dark night’ reach out to them in friendship and warmth.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

13th December St Lucy

Lord, Jesus we thank you for your gift of rest and support.

May we take advantage of quality time spent with you

May we offer that support and care to those who are struggling today

May we be gentle and humble of heart. AMEN

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

12th December

In so many way, Jesus’ parable of ‘The Lost Sheep’ makes no economic sense: why would the shepherd risk the safety of the ninety-nine in favour of the lost one? It makes no sense at all unless YOU are that lost one. Jesus shows us where his pastoral priorities lie; as a Church Pope Francis constantly reminds us that our care if for everyone, not just the ones who happen to come to the church building. We are a Church of inclusivity, joy, and welcome.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

11th December

Today: thank God for those friends who do anything to support us; those friends we can ring at 2.00am and not get shouted out; those friends who tell us the truth, especially when we do not want to hear it; those friends who will walk a Camino with us come rain, hail, snow, or sunshine. Thank God for real friends!

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

10th December

As you light that second candle and bask in the gift of peace you have been given, you can take stock of your life and point to the areas that bring you happiness-name those areas and show your gratitude.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

9th December

In our gospel today, Jesus pleads for ‘good shepherds’: we see Jesus sharing his gifts with those chosen ones, the Apostles. They are called to the healing and saving message of God. In these difficult times, we need Religious Sisters. Brothers, as well as Diocesan and Religious Priests who will really care for those in parishes, schools, and streets across our land.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

8th December

Far too many of our children and young people have had pressure put on them in these days; through the intercession of Mary of Nazareth, let us ask God’s blessing on these wonderful young people.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

7th December : St Ambrose

Within a week, St Ambrose was baptised, ordained a priest, and installed as Bishop of Milan on 7th December 374. There is no problem that cannot be faced once we have that love of God.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

6th December

St Nicholas shared the compassion and care of Jesus in reaching out and sharing what he had with others. It is crucial that, as a Christian family, we continue to reach out and feed those in need.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

5th December

Today: share your joy with family and friends—be the reason that they are happy

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

4th December

The faith of the Centurion is something we are asked to share today: have you got that utter trust and hope is Jesus that he had?

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

3rd December 2023-First Sunday of Advent

As we begin our Advent journey and light this first candle, we are presented with the vision of hope this Sunday, so needed in the light of all we have been through.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Join us on a daily Advent Camino

As we journey towards Christmas 2023, in these uncertain economic and political times, we invite you to join us on the Advent Camino: each day we will offer a short reflection and prayer.

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