Join us on a daily Advent Camino

A Camino through Advent 2023

Most of us are well acquainted with the concept of a ‘pilgrimage’; many of us will have been to Rome, Lourdes, or the Holy Land on pilgrimage. We go for more than just a holiday; we journey with others to a Holy Place. In the Middle Ages, the tomb of St James in the Spanish town of Compostela was a popular pilgrimage centre. With no modern transport links, the pilgrims would have to reach their destination on foot, often taking weeks to get there. However, it is in the journeying that the real spirit of pilgrimage is found. Pilgrims would take off from various locations across Europe and follow the ancient way or CAMINO. As we journey towards Christmas 2023, in these uncertain economic and political times, we invite you to join us on the Advent Camino: each day we will offer a short reflection and prayer. We have learnt a lot about our families, friends, and ourselves over these past years of lockdown and the challenge of a global pandemic and the reality of war in so many places. We have had to re-imagine what it is to be Church and community and, while it has not always been easy, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of others. As we make this Advent Camino together, let us continue to pray for each other.

In this Camino, more than ever before in modern times, we are walking towards the loving embrace of God, the true light who comes to us at Christmas in the form of a child with trust and wonder. Share that trust, share that wonder as we share this Advent Way together.


3rd December 2023-First Sunday of Advent


Joyful Presentation Day across communities