Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 11th

Well we are over halfway through our Camino, and the danger is that we can get so caught up with 25th December that we could miss out on the beauty that these next couple of weeks will bring us. Yes, there is shopping to be done, cards to be sent and gifts to be wrapped, but our Advent Camino is that chance to give something back to the Lord and to each other

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 12th

We are given a freedom as daughters and sons of a loving God. No one has the right to take that joy from you even if they are a partner, a friend, or a boss! You have a dignity that is God’s gift to you alone—cherish it and celebrate it. For those experiencing darkness today, please look to the Christmas lights, remember the good times, and celebrate the gift you are.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 10th

Today: do something today that makes a real demand on you-you are acting like the prophets, going against the accepted cultural way

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 9th

All of us involved in pastoral ministry will know that we are not going to please all of the people all of the time, but we must not let the fear of making a mistake put us off. What do you do to encourage and build up? Do you pour cold water on any new initiative? Let us pray today for balance and a spirit of acceptance-it will go such a long way in these changing times.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 8th

May we, as adults, have the courage to listen to what our young people are saying to us; as individual families and the great family of the Church, we need to really listen to their wisdom, especially in these times. Only in this way can we join with the young Mary and pray with her, ‘let what you have said be done to me’ (Lk 1: 38)

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 7th

In Matthew’s Gospel today, Jesus urges his followers to ‘come to me all you who labour and over-burdened, and I will give you rest….I am gentle….you will find rest’ (Mt 11: 28-29). Even in the best of times, we will find ourselves doing too much; we are all guilty of being ‘too active’ following the ‘Martha school’ rather than the ‘Mary school’! Jesus wants us to be involved as fully as we can in apostolic ministry, but not at the expense of our well-being.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 6th

In our gospel today, Jesus speaks about the Good Shepherd who goes in search of the one lost sheep: out of a flock of one hundred sheep, he is on the look out for the one that is lost. We are reminded, once again, of that unconditional love that God has for each of us.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 5th

Jesus was never fazed by difficulties, nor were those who NEEDED to see him. In today’s Gospel, Luke recounts the men carrying their crippled friend on a stretcher; ‘but as the crowd made it impossible to find a way of getting him in, they went up onto the flat roof and lowered him and his stretcher down.’ (Lk 5:19).

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 4th

As you light that second candle and bask in the gift of peace you have been given, you can take stock of your life and point to the areas that bring you happiness - name those areas and show your gratitude.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 3rd

The Gospel today tells the parable of those wise people who build their homes on solid foundations and not the sand--their home will stand during any storm. As we move forward to the light of Christmas, we need that faith of Francis Xavier: we need to base our lives firmly with Jesus.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 2nd

Today: try to look at your family in a new light and see something different in them

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: December 1st

TODAY: give thanks for all those who have helped to ground you in your faith: from your family and friends to your teachers and priests.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: November 30th

As we reflect on the fisherman Andrew, we remember his hard work and his dedication to Jesus.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: November 29th

Today: share your joy with family and friends—be the reason that they are happy.

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: November 28th

The faith of the Centurion is something we are asked to share today: have you got that utter trust and hope is Jesus that he had?

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters

Camino: First Sunday of Advent

The danger is that we can walk this advent way and it makes no difference at all; we can be so caught up in our own worries and fears that our goal is fixed only on December 25th 2022 and the respite it might offer us. Jesus is offering us a real challenge today: to find hope in TODAY!

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Presentation Sisters Presentation Sisters


As we journey towards Christmas 2022, in these uncertain economic and political times, we invite you to join us on the Advent Camino: each day we will offer a short reflection and prayer.

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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Planting a symbolic oak

We live in a time of great concern about the need to save Planet Earth which is under threat of non-survival; from the melting ice caps at the Poles to the wanton destruction of the Amazon rainforests, from the ever-widening expanse of desert areas no longer fit for human habitation and the general disregard for the value of maintaining a natural healthy ecosystem, all of this is shouted from the rooftops by the scientists and their warnings are dire.

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Bernadette Kehoe Bernadette Kehoe

Generous to a fault…..

As Religious is this not what we are called to do? We too are to scatter seed far and wide and not be concerned where it ends up but rather be of generous spirit.

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