Camino: December 12th

Our Lady of Guadalupe first introduced herself as the mother of God and the mother of all humanity when she appeared on the hill of Tepeyac in Mexico in 1531. A local Aztec farmer and convert to Christianity, Juan Diego, saw a glowing figure on the hill. After she had identified herself to him, Our Lady asked that Juan build her a shrine in that same spot, for her to show and share her love and compassion with all those who believe.

Afterwards, Juan Diego visited Juan de Zumárraga, who was Archbishop of what is now Mexico City. Zumárraga dismissed him in disbelief and asked that the future Saint provide proof of his story and proof of the Lady’s identity. Although it was winter and nothing should have been in bloom, Juan Diego found an abundance of flowers of a type he had never seen before. The Virgin bundled the flowers into Juan's cloak, known as a ‘tilma’. When Juan Diego presented the tilma of exotic flowers to Zumárraga, the flowers fell out and he recognised them as Castilian roses, which are not found in Mexico. This actual tilma, preserved since that date and showing the familiar image of the Virgin Mary with her head bowed and hands together in prayer, represents the Virgin of Guadalupe. It remains perhaps the most sacred object in all of Mexico. What was even more significant, however, was that the tilma had been miraculously imprinted with a colourful image of the Virgin herself.

In our Gospel today Jesus is challenged by the ‘chief priests and elders of the people’ (Matt 21: 23) on his authority. The challenge of the Gospel today is that we do not get caught into this trap of controlling others: we are given a freedom as daughters and sons of a loving God. No one has the right to take that joy from you even if they are a partner, a friend, or a boss! You have a dignity that is God’s gift to you alone—cherish it and celebrate it. For those experiencing darkness today, please look to the Christmas lights, remember the good times, and celebrate the gift you are.

Today: pray for the Church in Latin America

We can pray:

Holy Mary, who under the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe are invoked as Mother by the men and women of Mexico and of Latin America, encouraged by the love that you inspire in us, we once again place our life in your motherly hands.

May you, who are present in these Vatican Gardens, hold sway in the hearts of all the mothers of the world and in our own heart. With great hope, we turn to you and trust in you.

Hail Mary, full of grace……

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for us.

(Prayer of Benedict XVI 2005)



Camino: December 11th


Camino: December 10th