A joy-filled reunion in Matlock

On a recent Saturday,  the peace and quiet of Matlock and particularly of the Presentation Convent was shattered – not only by a small earth quake but by howls of laughter and shrieks of delight at seeing people not encountered sometimes for many years, as about 95 past pupils of the Convent High School gathered in their Alma Mater.

They started streaming in from 10.a.m. into what they knew as the “gym,”. Here there was a power point of various photographs -some stretching back to the start of the school in 1927.  Having had coffee and been warmly welcomed by Sr Teresa, we moved into the Chapel for a prayer service – in thanksgiving for faith and friendships renewed. The school song was sung heartily – reminding us again of what our school stood for – faith and morals; doing our best; planting seeds of faith and good deeds; faith the crown we wear; honour our shield; beauty and truth our stars and good deeds making on life’s harp – music ever faith.

Then – more talk over lunch and a visit to the Heritage Centre – to see more photographs, be reminded of the trophies, the house system and captains, the uniform we wore, and more sharing of memories.

The primary school which now occupies the school buildings was kind enough to open their doors for the past pupils to re-kindle memories. Some found their way down to Lilybank which from 1967 housed the prep school and Year 1.

All in all – an uplifting, joy-filled day.

Sr Helen & Sr Susan with past pupils

Sr Susan writes -

I was a pupil at the school – so meeting with others of my year and hearing news of some who were unable to be present, was great and I was very grateful for all that the Sisters had been to me and done for me.

But this was not my only blessing. I joined the Sisters and had the privilege of teaching at PCHS for several years. The past pupils were so kind and thoughtful, so positive and appreciative and ready to share their memories of what I had done and how!!  Much laughter ensued – though my memory and theirs didn’t always agree.  I also learnt about what they got up to that I didn’t manage to interrupt – like mid-night feasts and other room excursions after lights out.   I have so many good memories that I thank God for and so proud of the girls how they have and are contributing to the common good. Time and again, I heard phrases like – firm and lasting friendships; learning to care for myself and look out for others; gave me confidence – that I could do what I set my mind to; sense of responsibility and strong values to live by.

Another Sister said – The day for me was rich with memories and I was delighted to connect with many pupils who wonderfully still remembered me in a very affirmative way, which in turn made my day.”

One Sister shared…..I am so grateful that I was able to join in.
I struggle to find words to express how happy and ( I suppose),  proud, I was to see so many women coming together to celebrate their lives, friendship and memories. 
It was a life-filled occasion and is one of the most encouraging memories I’ll have of this year. 

“We have had a wonderful day – hopefully there will be more of us “oldies” the next time.”

“Great re-union. Fantastic to see people I haven’t seen since I left. “

“Absolutely wonderful! – thank you for a wonderful day.”










It was a beautiful day.


Sr Helen and Sr Susan with some of the pastpupils



On the hockey field!!


I can’t believe I only took three photos – too busy catching up…


Prayer for the cause of Nano


Ministry to Irish Travellers, Gypsy and Roma groups strengthens my faith